As we approach Valentine’s Day, our stores, internet feeds, schools, our worlds are flooded with words and images of the almighty love. A day to profess how we feel in our hearts. It has only been recently, however, that I have been wrestling with the concept of what is love and what does it mean?
In quoting the Fillmore’s, “Of all the daughters of God, love is undoubtedly the most beautiful, enticing, and fascinating. She is by nature exceedingly timid and modest, but when roused she is bold and fearless in the extreme.” Could it possibly be that love is truly just the absence of fear?
They go on to say “[Love] is the pure essence of Being that binds together the whole human family.” Does this mean that love comes from outside of ourselves? Perhaps it is generated within? I tend to lean towards that it means love is something we inherently are. Our very experiential existence is an expression of divine love.
Especially around a ‘holiday’ such as Valentines, we tend to view love as coming outside of ourselves, or something that we can give to someone. If we view love as something that can be found or given, it implies that it can be lost or taken away at a moment’s notice, or withheld from you whenever it is called for. In the density that is this realm, we can only really be blinded to the all of what love is. Love is the chair you sit on for support. Love is the sun that warms and soothes you. Love is connection with your earthly brothers. Love is the very breath in your lungs, your toasty mug of coffee, the experience of the Being that is manifesting through you.
Watch how magically your day can change when you start to believe you ARE love in every moment. When you find yourself following the proverbial angel on your shoulder more often than not. You can be and feel love at any time of your choosing, as it is the very heartbeat of the Earth.